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John Dolan's career celebration

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

The last Annual Protistology-UK Autumn Meeting #ProtistUK22, held on the 1st and 2nd December 2022 at the Natural History Museum London, celebrated protist research in the light of ever-changing core methodologies and how they complement modern techniques.

In particular, the first day of the meeting revolved around John R Dolan's (TintinnidGuy) extensive contributions to the field of marine planktonic protists.

Find below the talks given by John's career-long colleagues, and of course John's plenary lecture "From Philosophical Transactions to Frontiers: a meander through 345 years of publishing on protists".


The celebration was held both scientific- and socially, of course!

If you have photos that you would like to share on the P-UK website, don't hesitate to add them in the comment section or send them to

The meeting P-UK Annual Autumn Meeting 2022 was supported by the Microbiology Society and the International Society of Protistology (ISOP).

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