Welcome to Protistology UK!
Our Learned Society (formerly the British Society for Protist Biology) is a membership organisation for scientists and amateurs interested in all areas of protistology; from ecological to medical and from sub-cellular to population studies. The Society primarily exists to support and promote protistan research and teaching in the UK but a key aim is to encourage the development of young scientists. We host two scientific meetings a year and provide bursaries for student attendance together with prizes for student presentations.

This is the website of the Protistology-UK, formerly known as the British Society for Protist Biology.
P-UK exists:
To promote the study, teaching and dissemination of all aspects of protistology.
To provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of results obtained from original research and for an exchange of information on experimental design and techniques.
To encourage developing and novel aspects of protistology.
To represent the interests of protistology on other professional bodies.
To assist young scientists researching in protistology to attend professional meetings.




Past President


Vice President - Meeting Coordinator

Publicity Officer - Membership Secretary


Ordinary Member

Ordinary Member

Ordinary Member

Protistology-UK Autumn 2024 Meeting - Protists in Society
24th - 25th September 2024, taking place at the Natural History Museum in London.
Registration is now open!
More details here.

Past & Related Meetings
Recorded talks from the Dolan's career celebration during the 2022 Autumn meeting of the Protistology-UK can be found here.
The 2022 Autumn meeting of the Protistology-UK will take place between Dec 1st – 2nd at the Natural History Museum in London. This is going to be a hybrid meeting. More details here.
P-UK's session Symbiosis - Annual Meeting of the Microbiology Society in Belfast, 04-07 April 2022. Details here.
P-UK Autumn Meeting 2021 - 8th December 2021 (online). Details here.
From parasites to plankton and back: comparative biology and ecology of apicomplexans and dinoflagellates. 13-17 September 2021. Roscoff, France.​ Details here.​
Protistology-UK's session Exploring the Eukaryotic Tree of Life - 28th April 2021 during the Annual Conference of the Microbiology Society (online). Details here.
P-UK Winter meeting 2021: Protist parasites of freshwater microalgae - within the British Phycological Society (BPS) Annual Conference- 8th January 2021 T. Details here.
Microbial Symbiosis Meeting - December 16-17, 2019. London, UK. Details here.

Looking for Christmas presents for children and curious adults?
Paramecium Press is happy to announce a 10% discount on its protist books for all members of P-UK.
To claim your discount, please contact Ian Senior with your requirements and the code "Protist Xmas 23".
Bland J. Finlay: Uncovering the unseen world of microbes - a tribute.
A tribute to Professor Harriet Jones.
Help us improve your experience and engagement with P-UK - take our survey poll here.
Introducing protistology in a fun way to children! Paramecium Press has two books and a video game for young children ready to explore the world of microorganisms.
Join Aggi and Blake in their adventures! More details here.

Wondering about the role of protists in a changing environment? Check out P-UK's collaboration The increase in global aquaculture and the associated protists: opportunities and threats in the latest Microbiology Today issue Life on a changing Planet.
Protistology-UK is saddened to hear from Tom Cavalier-Smith passing on the 19th March 2021. A beautiful tribute to his life and work can be read here.
The Journal of Marine Science and Engineering is launching a Special Issue entitled "Molecularly Characterizing the Diversity of Marine Microbial Eukaryotes".
This Special Issue calls for original research studies and invites reviews on the taxonomy and phylogeny of microbial eukaryotes, particularly those that molecularly characterize the diversity, activity, ecological function, community organization, and spatial and temporal variations (biogeography) of planktonic and sedimentary microbial eukaryotes, as well as their interactions with organisms at various trophic levels and their physiological and ecological adaptations to specialized niches in natural, artificial, coastal, and marine habitats and systems.
For further information visit the dedicated website here.
P-UK has partially funded "The hidden world of Testate Amoeba", a beautifully illustrated children's book about the wonderful world of microorganisms and testate amoeba in particular! https://thehiddenworld.co.uk/the-hidden-world-of-testate-amoebae/